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Criterion Software adopts Adobe FLEX as the platform for developing Rich Internet Applications. Ebay among early customer successes


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Criterion Software adopts Adobe FLEX as the platform for developing Rich Internet Applications. Ebay among early customer successes

Rich Internet applications (RIA) are web applications that have the look and feel of traditional desktop applications in terms of both features and functionality. For customer facing applications and E-businesses such as Retail, migrating to RIA technology is a no-brainer.

RIA offers the obvious ‘No Refresh’ feature as also rich controls that include powerful data and multimedia capability.  This enables the application to present a rich set of information in an attractive interface. With respect to application design, RIA delivers highly customizable output with a CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) based model.

Criterion Software is proud to have initiated the move by Internet powerhouse Ebay to migrate their applications to RIA.  The following screenshot shows the richness of the user interface developed with Adobe Flex:


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